"They say Television makes you look Fatter
For bubbles that kind of thing really don't Matter"
Casey Carle, Comic Bubble Artist! - Television Performances!
Looking for a unique variety act for TV broadcast?
Looking to WOW viewers with something totally new?
Mr. Carle has brought his soap bubble entertainment and expertise to The Science Channel, TV Land, The Discovery Channel, TV Tokyo and others.
And it's only a fraction of the content available from Casey Carle.
Look here for videos and photos of cube bubbles, helium bubbles, people in bubbles, mountains of foamy bubbles, vortex cannon bubbles, bubbles that burst into flame, intricate bubble sculpture, giant bubbles and more.
Available with Mr. Carle's diverse personality types from grand showman to witty comic to nerdy science guy... or any combination of the above.
Like a bubble, the possibilities are ever expanding for this master manipulator of soap and water!
Interview with Casey Carle on the Public Radio program 'Spectrum West' hosted by Alan Ross, April 27, 2012
Get to know Casey!
Hear him talk and joke about his stage show and bubbly career.
Watch and be inspired by creative camera angles, extreme close ups and back-lighting to engage viewers of all ages in film, television and internet bubble entertainment.
"Thanks so much for being part of our Pepsi shoot. Your Bubble expertise was well worth (the investment)" - Jon Dino, Producer, Thomas Thomas Films
"I would like to offer you a huge thank you for your excellent performance and your enthusiasm for helping kids learn at this unique event... We at CPTV offer you our warmest thanks for participating in the Science Expo, and we hope you share in the excitement of its success!"
- Community Development Coordinator, CPTV's Family Science Expo, Hartford, CT
"A fantastic, cutting edge act!" - Lucille Ball Festival of Comedy
TV Credits include:
Viacom's TV Land "Best Night In", with host Leila Sbitani. Performing,
teaching and endorsing products.[details]
Discovery Science Channel, "Physics of The Impossible", with renowned physicist Michio Kaku [details]
The Discovery Channel, Canada. Feature Segment on "Daily Planet", A Prime Time TV Program [details]
Paula's Party; Guest performer on the "Paula's Party" show with Paula Deen [details]
Winner: TV Tokyo's "TV Champion"; Tokyo, Japan; May 2005 [details]
Pepsi Cola Commercial; Consultant, On-Screen Talent; New York, NY;
August 2006
Baileys Irish Cream Commercial; Bubble Consultant/Technician; Montreal, Canada; Aug 2004. Hired by and worked
with 2009 Oscar winning Director Kathryn Bigelow of "The Hurt Locker"
Casey Carle, Comic Bubble Artist, began his bubbly career with The Ringling Bros Circus in 1988, by being the first entertainer in circus history to create giant bubbles and to encase an audience member inside a soap bubble.
Over two decades later, and with thousands of shows under his belt, Mr. Carle has an enormous repertoire of material to create an audience pleasing bubble act that is flexible and adaptable to your show.