Technical Requirements:
Attention Professional Venues (theaters, science centers, children's
museums, large corporate events, etc.) Performer can supply a full "Tech
Rider" offering more details and covering requirements and
more thoroughly than listed here.
Video Taping of the Program is Prohibited. Still photos with flash are acceptable.
Performance Space Requirements:
- Indoor performance spaces only! Completely indoor. Tents and Pavilions do not count as any breezes will have a huge negative effect on the show. (Any mess is self-contained on a floor covering supplied by the performer).
- Please eliminate any breezes or air currents toward or on the stage Including heating or air-conditioning vents, fans, doors or windows, etc. (If it can move a balloon or a curtain it is a concern).
- Clean, swept, clear open space. Ideal minimum size = 14' deep x 20' wide X 10' high. However, smaller spaces are acceptable. Contact performer if the space is much smaller than this ideal minimum.
- Stage or raised platform always preferred for any size audience but is not required for audiences under 200. When possible, supply steps from the floor to the center of the stage.
- Please make the space as "presentable" as possible by using any curtains to hide storage, band equipment, unsightly supplies, etc.
- An electrical outlet or multiple plug extension cord within 20 feet of the performance area. (This is usually a concern only in gymnasiums and other large facilities).
- Microphone system for audiences over 300-350. (I have a system for under 300-350). Performer may choose to simply place your microphone in front of his small system to take advantage of your house system.
- Two, clean, attractive, 4-6 foot "banquet" style type tables. Covered in black or dark fabric for high-end venues such as theaters and museums.
- Bright, general lighting is necessary for clear visuals! Be sure there is enough light on the performance area! Additional colored lights make for an even more spectacular show.
- A "host" to introduce the performer. Performer will supply an easy to read script on arrival.
- Performer will want to park his vehicle as close to the performance space as possible.
- In most cases: Expect arrival 45-60 minutes prior to show time. Expect strike and load-out of show to last about 30-40 minutes.
Seating Requirements:
Big Important Note: You'll get the most bang for your buck and the highest entertainment value if the performer spends as little time as possible "playing usher". The happier the performer the happier the audience. It's really that simple.
Please use the following guidelines to maximize the quality of the show for all attendees:
- This is not a "kiddie show". It will engage ages 5-95.
- Any child under the age of 5 should always be with a grown-up. Not in the care of an older sibling.
- This performer does not require, expect or want children to be seated separate from their care-givers.
- Grown-ups should never consider themselves a secondary audience that can stand off to the side and chat. This is detrimental to the shows overall impact. Families should remain together. What was acceptable at your previous shows is irrelevant. This show is not those shows.
- Grown-ups should remain with their youngsters to maximize the fun and to nip in the bud behavior that could negatively effect the show for everyone.
- Keep folks close together. Open space between families reduces positive group responses and reactions, i.e. laughing, clapping, sounds of astounishment, etc.
- Advise guests to sit toward the front and toward the middle section(s).
- Avoid multiple empty seats between family units.
- Only use the side sections if needed to accommodate the size of the crowd.
- Do not allow seating on the floor between the front row of seats and the stage unless the performer deems it a good idea. If so, a buffer zone will be needed to keep guests from the edge of the stage.
- All ages in chairs is highly recommended. No need to for an open space up front "for the kids". This show is for everyone.
- Arrange chairs with isles for traffic flow between sections and/or around the chairs.
- Start the first row a good 6-8 feet from the front of the stage. The higher the stage the further the distance should be. Performer supplies cones for making "buffer zone" between the stage and front row. Or the venue can create this line with tape.
- Designate a stroller parking area if applicable.
NO RAISED STAGE & OPEN SEATING (i.e. a big open space!)
- A "Buffer Zone" tape line 6-8 feet from performance area or performer supplies colorful cones.
- Open floor seating for all ages that is about 50% of the expected audience.
- Chairs for the other 50%. Chairs should be set up with a narrow band of seats on each side of the open space (maybe 1/3 of the chairs) and the other 2/3 of the chairs set up in rows behind the open area.
- Traffic flow isles between and/or around chairs.
- If students are in chairs or at cafe tables with chairs the performer should be on a raised stage.
- Most school settings have students seated on the floor. This works for raised stage or no stage venues.
- Performer uses cones to designate front row distance.
- Performer uses cones to designate center isle in order to walk among the students.
- Chairs for teachers and aids along the perimeter of students. Plus chairs in the back for any anticipated guests.
- Each classroom group should be seated on one side of the isle ( in 2 or 3 rows) with their classroom teacher sitting next to them in a chair.
- Teachers should not bring work to do during the assembly and instead should assist in acquiring and reinforcing good behavior. And enjoying the show.
- For best sight lines always place youngest grades up front.
The most important event I have ever performed for: yours.
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